Summer English Lesson XIX. Have to and Must

Hi students,

Welcome back to a new lesson. Today we’re going to talk about two important modal verbs: Have to and Must. Do you know what they are used for? What are they express? Exactly, they express obligation.

  • We use “have to” to say that something is necessary to be done (external obligation).


I have to wear glasses for reading.

I can’t come to the cinema this evening. I have to work late.

Do we have to do any homework?

  • We use “must” to say what you think is necessary to be done (internal obligation).


I must study a lot for the final exam. (I think it’s necessary)

I haven’t spoken to Mike for ages. I must phone him. (I say this is necessary)

It’s later than I thought. I must go home. (I think this is necessary)

  • We also use “must” for written rules, instructions and regulations.


Applications for the job must be received by 18 May.

(exam instructions) You must write your answers in ink.

You must take these pills three times a day.


Well, I hope you can notice the difference between “have to” and “must“.

If you need to practise, make some sentences and send them to me. I’ll be happy to correct them.

Bye. Juanjo.









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